Blue Shirt - George via Walmart
Black Cardigan - Mossimo via Target Clearance
Earrings - via Claires
Watch - Unlisted
I have been trying to fight the urge to dress in a pants and shirt rut. I love to be able to throw on a nice shirt and pants and be off and ready. I love the ease of dressing and the ease of use during the day.
Lately I have been pondering my overstuffed to the gills closet and how long it takes me to get dressed each day. I have been doing a lot of thinking about needing/wanting things and how much use they get. I have been going over how much I like the thrill of the hunt and bringing new items into my life and closet for the game of getting dressed each day.
Should I continue on this path? I love shopping and I like getting dressed each day but it has been causing me a lot of stress lately. I want to wear clothes in a way that doesn't feel boring but doesn't consume me to come up
Do you ever feel like keeping a closet organized is a full time job? Do you ever feel the urge to slim down the options and streamline your closet and by default your life?
I have cleaned my closet twice lately and I still feel like I haven't started. I cleared out most of the items that I wasn't feeling and I packed them into a container to be relooked at in a few days, weeks, or months. TBD
Like my new 'do?
My husband told me he thought this might be his favorite hair cut on me EVER. (Since he has known me.)
I must admit it does feel very me.
Fair warning that there will be some short and long hair mingling but I wanted to post this for today as this is what I wore.
OOh, I LOVE your new 'do! It looks so spunky and fun!!
The haircut looks cute, not that I know what it looked like before because I just started following your blog. :) Organizing closets can be a crazy task, unless you have one of those super organized customizable closets you can create from Ikea. I always wanted one of those!
Please excuse what's about to happen, but
Love, love, looooove it!
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